Sunday, October 11, 2009

What I want to do

Setting: Living room
Participants: Mother (Colleen) and Daughter (Jill)

Initial Draft for This Skit
1. Mom: How about those college applications?
2. Jill: I don’t wana go, I wana play in my band!!!
3. Mom: I went to college, your sister went … etc. You need to go!
4.Jill: I have what I need here – my band, I can read music.
5. Mom: That’s unacceptable! You need to be a doctor or lawyer to be successful.
6. Jill: why can’t I just do what makes me happy?
7. Mom: You don’t know what you want. You are too young.
8. Leave me alone! You don’t understand my feelings!

Team Members: Colleen, Jill, Erika, Nicole

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